
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Sebastian J. Goerg
- Academic Program Director Professional Profile Bioeconomy
- Head of Professorship
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-170
- Email:
- s.goerg@tum.de
TUM Campus Straubing
Am Essigberg 3
94315 Straubing
Team Assistant

Christina Neundlinger
- Team Assistant
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-173
- Email:
- c.neundlinger@tum.de
TUM Campus Straubing
Am Essigberg 3
94315 Straubing
Post-Doctoral Researchers

Dr. Orestis Kopsacheilis
- Postdoctoral Researcher
- Email:
- orestis.kopsacheilis@tum.de
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstraße 21
D-80333 Munich
Room: 2407

Research Associates & Doctoral Students

Fabienne Cantner, M.Sc.
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-172
- Email:
- fabienne.cantner@tum.de

Christoph Drobner, M.Sc.
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-171
- Email:
- christoph.drobner@tum.de

Martin Speckner, M.Sc. M.Sc.
- Doctoral Candidate
- Research Associate
- Phone:
- +49 9421 187-241
- Email:
- martin.speckner@tum.de

Christoph Gschnaidtner, M.Sc. M.Sc.
- Doctoral Candidate
- Phone:
- +49 89 289-25705
- Email:
- christoph.gschnaidtner@tum.de
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstraße 21
D-80333 Munich
Room: 2409
Student Research Assistants

Shayesteh Dargahi, B.Sc.
- Student Research Assistant

Greta Jucyte
- Student Research Assistant